小白极力推荐 99首好听的至暗古典乐曲选集

发布者:小白 版权:原创

最近小编我比较迷交响乐,古典乐,正巧看到这张专辑果断试听.感觉相当不错,与大家分享.文章末尾献上福利哟:D专辑英文名:99 Darkest Pieces...

专辑英文名: 99 Darkest Pieces Of Classical Music
专辑中文名: 99首好听的至暗古典乐曲选集
别名: 99首好听的万圣节古典乐曲选集
艺术家: Various Artists
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2010年10月31日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

压缩码率: 210Kbps (VBR)



万圣节古典音乐专辑,The 99 Darkest Pieces of Classical Music,共99首MP3档案,有荒山之夜,天鹅湖,女武神等等名曲. 


Original Release Date: October 31, 2010
Label: X5 Music Group
Copyright: 2010 X5 Music Group
Total Length: 11:03:49
Genres: Classical

Dark classical music

haha no it's not what you think it is.

99 darkest pieces of classical music

Well I was looking through some of the selections, and many of them seem quite odd....
L'estro armonico? Bach's double violin concerto? The Aquarium from carnival of the animals?

So it got me thinking, most of us know that on nearly every classical music forum there are about a dozen threads asking for more "dark" classical music but what exactly makes a piece of classical music dark?
Sometimes I think that people just slap the word dark on any piece of music in a minor key but I minor key is capable of expressing so much more than just "dark" and I would hardly describe any of the pieces on this CD as dark actually. Or maybe people confuse dark with dramatic. The aquarium movement sounds more magical than dark to me, Bach's double violin concerto is way too energetic to be considered dark, O fortuna is on there, but I would say O fortuna is more aptly described as powerful, not really dark. Even the third movement of Shostie's 3rd string quartet, it sounds angry, aggressive, but dark? not really.

So what do you guys think of when you think of "dark" classical music. I usually think more along the lines of composers like Gubaidulina, George Crumb, Allan Pettersson, some chopin pieces (but only some), Sibelius' 4th symphony

Certainly not Bach's famous violin chaccone or even Ride of the valkieries...
5.0 out of 5 stars Some dark, some spooky -- some neither, but still great October 31, 2010
Format:MP3 Music|Amazon Verified Purchase
This is another collection of great music at a low, low price brought to you by the X5 group, this time on a "darkness" theme released on Halloween 2010. This should be a must buy for anyone new to these "99 most whatever" sets. At the bargain "Daily Deal" price of $1.99 for over 11 hours of music coming in at 1.07 GB, it's not even worth thinking twice if you're new to classical music or to these collections. Just get it.

There are a lot of "greatest hits" here. Favorites like "The Ride of the Valkyries", the opening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony, Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King", Tchaikovsky's "Sugar-Plum Fairy", and the famous bits of "Carmina Burana" will be known to everyone. Same with nice versions of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" and "Night on the Bare Mountain", which many will know from Disney's Fantasia movie. And a whole lot more, really.

Quite a bit of the music is wonderfully spooky -- like the opening Totentanz by Franz Liszt (too bad it's such a short excerpt), the famous Toccata and Fugue for organ by Bach, or the "Aquarium" from Saint-Saëns' "Carnival of the Animals", which sounds like it should be in a Harry Potter movie. And again, a whole lot more.

The "darkness" theme works a lot of the time, but definitely not all the time. Since when are allegros from Mozart symphonies (Nos. 25 and 40) dark? Or anything from Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" -- even if the end of "Summer", included here, does have a furious edge to it? There is plenty of light music here that doesn't really fit the supposedly dark theme.

But who cares, really? It's still great music.

Is the set worth it if you've bought the earlier ones? For me, at the Daily Deal price, it is. This collection has 43 new recordings of music not featured on the previous "99 most whatever" sets in my music library. Sixteen are recordings of music that has appeared on previous sets, but performed here by different artists. The remaining 40 tracks are outright copied from earlier sets -- the most repeats are from the Allegros set (16), and the Relaxing set (10), but many appeared on other thematic or composer collections.

A lot of these "new" recordings are modern -- there is a good dose of Shostakovich. Also the first part of Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring"; some contemporary composers such as Arvo Part, Henryk Gorecki, or Krzysztof Penderecki; and some composers that were new to me, like Earl Hatch or Alfred Fissinger. It's nice to see that as X5 is coming closer to exhausting the vaults on Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and Vivaldi, and are turning to more modern composers to fill up these sets -- bravo.

For me, having a lot of this music already, the value of the set really came down to two things. First, it's a good mix of good music I can put on in the background when I feel like it, without having to make my own playlist. That's nice sometimes. Second, it gives me about 10-15 main tracks I was very happy to add to my collection. Most important was track 28, the 1st movement of Henryk Gorecki's Symphony of Sorrowful Songs. The 2nd and 3rd movements from the same performance were featured on the "99 Most Relaxing" set, so this completes the work. That alone, for me, was worth half the price, at least.

I have a big preference for full works rather than excerpts. Of course there are a lot of short cuts from longer works on a set like this. But there appear to be 20 full-length recordings of shorter works here, which is good.

At this writing I have listened to extended samples of all the new tracks in this set, and the quality of the recordings and the playing is uniformly very good, sometimes excellent. Bitrates are variable, averaging 175-249 kbps, but only three tracks are below 200 kbps -- all of them for solo instruments, which in general require less data to obtain similar levels of quality.

I keep wondering how long the X5 Group is going to keep putting out these sets. I guess the answer is as long as people keep buying them.

  万圣节的一个有趣内容是“Trick or treat(不给糖就捣乱 )”,这习俗却并非源自爱尔兰,而是始于公元九世纪的欧洲基督教会。那时的11月2日,被基督徒们称为 “ALL SOULS DAY”(万灵之日)。在这一天,信徒们跋涉于僻壤乡间,挨村挨户乞讨用面粉及葡萄干制成的“灵魂之饼”。据说捐赠糕饼的人家都相信教会僧人的祈祷,期待由此得到上帝的佑护,让死去的亲人早日进入天堂。这种挨家乞讨的传统传至当今竟演变成了孩子们提着南瓜灯笼挨家讨糖吃的游戏。见面时,打扮成鬼精灵模样的孩子们千篇一律地都要发出“不请客就要捣乱(不给糖就捣蛋)”的威胁,而主人自然不敢怠慢,忙声说“请吃!请吃!”同时把糖果放进孩子们随身携带的大口袋里。还有一种习俗,就是每家都要在门口放很多南瓜灯,如果不请客(不给糖) ,孩子们就踩烂他一个南瓜灯。

华文曲目的翻译 源自于 EmmaYari 发布在 125楼的评论

01. [李斯特] 死之舞 (为钢琴与乐队而作):行板 - 快板 - 中速的快板 (紧接下段)
02. [贝多芬] c小调第五交响曲(“命运”), 第一乐章:有活力的快板
03. [帕特] 为弦乐和打击乐而作的兄弟会教士
04. [瓦格纳] 歌剧《女武神》第三幕:飞行的女武神
05. [圣-桑] g小调骷髅之舞(死之舞)
06. [拉赫马尼诺夫] 五首幻想曲小品, 第二首:升c小调前奏曲-慢板
07. [维瓦尔第] 圣母悼歌, 第一首:圣母站立着,心情悲伤
08. [柴科夫斯基] 芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》组曲:场景
09. [奥尔夫] 《布兰诗歌》噢, 命运女神
10. [巴托克] 为弦乐、打击乐与钢片琴而作的音乐, 第一首:安静的行板
11. [贾佐托] g小调弦乐和管风琴柔板(“阿尔比诺尼柔板”)
12. [普罗科菲耶夫] 芭蕾舞剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》第二组曲:蒙太古家族与凯普莱特家族(骑士之舞)
13. [贝多芬] 升c小调第十四钢琴奏鸣曲(“月光”), 第一乐章:持续的柔板
14. [莫扎特] g小调第四十交响曲, 第一乐章:很快的快板
15. [贝多芬] 《爱格蒙特》序曲
16. [肖斯塔科维奇] d小调大提琴奏鸣曲, 第二乐章:快板
17. [威尔第] 《安魂弥撒》震怒之日 - 号角响彻四方
18. [贝多芬] c小调第八钢琴奏鸣曲(“悲怆”), 第三乐章:快板
19. [巴伯] 弦乐柔板
20. [格里格] 戏剧配乐《培尔·金特》第一组曲, 第四首:在山魔王的宫殿中
21. [马尔切罗] d小调双簧管协奏曲, 第二乐章:柔板
22. [肖斯塔科维奇] 第二芭蕾组曲, 第四首:伤感浪漫曲
23. [J.S.巴赫] d小调管风琴托卡塔与赋格

24-26. [维瓦尔第] 《四季》g小调小提琴协奏曲(“夏”)
24. 第一乐章:不很快的快板 - 快板
25. 第二乐章:柔板 - 急板 - 柔板
26. 第三乐章:急板

27. [拉赫马尼诺夫] 十首前奏曲, 第五首:g小调进行曲风格
28. [戈雷茨基] 为女高音和乐队而作的第三交响曲(“悲歌交响曲”), 第一乐章:慢板 - 持续平静似如歌的
29. [圣-桑] 《动物狂欢节》水族馆
30. [舒伯特] c小调第四交响曲(“悲剧”), 第四乐章:快板

31-33. [霍尔斯特] 交响组曲《行星》
31. 第一乐章:火星,战争使者
32. 第五乐章:土星,老年使者
33. 第七乐章:海王星,神秘主义者

34. [贝多芬] 降A大调第十二钢琴奏鸣曲(“葬礼进行曲”), 第三乐章:为一个死去英雄的葬礼进行曲
35. [贝多芬] 降E大调第三交响曲(“英雄”), 第二乐章:葬礼进行曲:很慢的柔板
36. [莫扎特] f小调管风琴幻想曲
37. [肖斯塔科维奇] e小调第十交响曲, 第二乐章:快板
38. [柏辽兹] 幻想交响曲(“一个艺术家的生活情节”), 第四乐章:赴刑进行曲
39. [J.S.巴赫] d小调第二小提琴无伴奏组曲, 第五首:恰空舞曲
40. [穆索尔斯基] 管弦乐幻想曲(“荒山之夜”)
41. [伯埃尔曼] 为大管风琴而作的哥特式组曲, 第四首:托卡塔
42. [J.S.巴赫] E大调第二小提琴协奏曲, 第二乐章:柔板
43. [德彪西] 牧神的笛子 (为长笛独奏而作)
44. [穆索尔斯基] 展览会上的图画, 第二首:侏儒
45. [萨蒂] 六首玄秘曲, 第一首:缓慢地
46. [勃拉姆斯] c小调第三钢琴四重奏, 第一乐章:不太快的快板
47. [巴托克] 为弦乐、打击乐与钢片琴而作的音乐, 第三首:柔板
48. [亨德尔] 清唱剧《弥赛亚》第一部分:看哪, 黑暗遮盖大地
49. [哈持] d小调富廖索和华尔兹
50. [罗西尼] 《小庄严弥撒》第一首:上帝, 宽恕我们
51. [李斯特] 灰色的云
52. [斯特拉文斯基] 芭蕾舞剧《春之祭》第一部分:对大地的崇拜
53. [贝多芬] 升c小调第十四钢琴奏鸣曲(“月光”), 第三乐章:激动的急板
54. [贝多芬] A大调第七交响曲, 第二乐章:小快板
55. [肖邦] 降b小调第二钢琴奏鸣曲, 第三乐章:葬礼进行曲:慢板
56. [舒伯特] d小调第十四弦乐四重奏曲(“死神与少女”), 第一乐章:快板
57. [杜卡斯] 交响诗《魔法师的弟子》交响谐谑曲
58. [莫扎特] g小调第二十五交响曲, 第一乐章:充满活力的快板
59. [柴科夫斯基] 芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》组曲, 第十五首c:双人舞 - 第二变奏:糖果仙女之舞
60. [肖斯塔科维奇] F大调第三弦乐四重奏, 第三乐章:不太快的快板
61. [拉威尔] 圆舞曲
62. [格里格] 戏剧配乐《培尔·金特》第一组曲, 第二首:艾塞之死 (痛苦的行板)
63. [柏辽兹] 幻想交响曲(“一个艺术家的生活情节”), 第五乐章:安息日之夜的梦
64. [J.S.巴赫] c小调第五大提琴无伴奏组曲, 第四首:萨拉班德舞曲
65. [亨德尔] d小调第十管风琴协奏曲, 第一乐章:柔板
66. [莫扎特] c小调共济会葬礼音乐
67. [西贝柳斯] 《莱明凯宁传奇》组曲, 第三首:地狱的天鹅 (很慢的持续的行板)
68. [李斯特] 诗和宗教的和谐, 第七首:葬礼
69. [潘德列茨基] 为混声合唱团的小天使之歌
70. [J.S.巴赫] c小调鲁特琴独奏前奏曲
71. [佩尔格莱西] f小调《圣母悼歌》引子
72. [贝多芬] f小调第二十三钢琴奏鸣曲(“热情”), 第一乐章:很快的快板
73. [维瓦尔第] 《和谐的灵感》a小调双小提琴协奏曲, 第一乐章:快板
74. [柴科夫斯基] f小调第四交响曲, 第一乐章:稍慢的行板 - 有活力的中板
75. [J.S.巴赫] c小调帕萨卡利亚和赋格
76. [维瓦尔第] 为最高音竖笛、弦乐与通奏低音而作的C大调协奏曲
77. [奥尔夫] 《布兰诗歌》(世俗歌曲), 命运, 世界的女神:第二首:命运打击的创伤
78. [J.S.巴赫] d小调双小提琴协奏曲, 第一乐章:活泼的
79. [作者不详] 安吉利斯弥撒 - 年度礼仪歌曲:我是阿拉法和俄梅戛
80. [菲辛格] 马林巴琴独奏组曲, 第一首:薄雾
81. [肖斯塔科维奇] 室内交响曲, 第二乐章:很快的快板 (在第八弦乐四重奏之后)
82. [李斯特] 眼泪无处不在
83. [亨德尔] b小调第十二大协奏曲, 第二乐章:快板
84. [勃拉姆斯] d小调悲剧序曲:不太快的快板 - 更有节制的 - 还原速度但平静的
85. [布鲁克纳] 降E大调第四交响曲(“浪漫”), 第二乐章:行板
86. [罗西尼] 《小庄严弥撒》第九首:信经:十字架上
87. [莫扎特] d小调第十五弦乐四重奏, 第一乐章:快板 (海顿第二四重奏)
88. [莫扎特] g小调第四十交响曲, 第四乐章:终曲:极快板
89. [拉赫马尼诺夫] g小调大提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲, 第二乐章:谐谑的快板
90. [勃拉姆斯] c小调第三钢琴四重奏, 第二乐章:谐谑曲:快板
91. [科达伊] 独奏大提琴奏鸣曲, 第一乐章:庄严热情的快板
92. [肖斯塔科维奇] D大调第四弦乐四重奏, 第二乐章:小行板
93. [贝多芬] 《科里奥兰》序曲

94-98. [莫扎特] d小调安魂曲(安魂弥撒曲)
94. 垂怜经
95. 继抒咏:震怒之日(最后审判日)
96. 继抒咏:威严的君王
97. 继抒咏:羞惭无地
98. 痛哭之日

99. [帕特] 纪念本杰明·布里顿之歌 (为弦乐和钏(钟)而作)

01. Franz Liszt - Totentanz for Piano and Orchestra: Andante - Allegro - Allegro Moderato (Attacca) (02:05)
02. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67, "Fate": Allegro Con Brio (07:28)
03. Arvo Pärt - Fratres For Strings And Percussion (1977/1991) (09:49)
04. Richard Wagner - The Valkyrie: Ride Of The Valkyries (05:11)
05. Camille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre, Op. 40 (07:48)
06. Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов - Morceaux De Fantasie, Op. 3: II. Prélude In C-Sharp Minor: Lento (04:14)
07. Antonio Vivaldi - Stabat Mater, RV 621: I. Stabat Mater Dolorosa (02:18)
08. Пётр Ильич Чайковский - Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20: Scéne (03:02)
09. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana: O Fortuna (02:43)
10. Béla Bartók - Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta, Sz 106: I. Andante Tranquillo (07:02)
11. Remo Giazotto - Adagio In G Minor For Strings And Organ, "Albinoni's Adagio" (08:38)
12. Сергей Сергеевич Прокофьев - Romeo And Juliet, Suite No. 2, Op. 64c: Montagues And Capulets (05:34)
13. Ludwig van Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 14 In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27:2, "Moonlight Sonata": Adagio Sostenuto (05:37)
14. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony No. 40 In G Minor, K. 550: Allegro Molto (07:02)
15. Ludwig van Beethoven - Egmont, Op. 84: Overture In F Minor (07:58)
16. Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович - Sonata In D Minor For Cello And Piano, Op. 40: II. Allegro (03:06)
17. Giuseppe Verdi - Messa Da Requiem: Dies Irae - Tuba Mirum (03:55)
18. Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 8 In C Minor For Piano, Op. 13, "Pathétique": III. Allegro (04:17)
19. Samuel Barber - Adagio For Strings, Op. 11a (08:23)
20. Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: In The Hall Of The Mountain King (02:43)
21. Alessandro Marcello - Concerto In D Minor For Oboe And Strings, Op. 1: II. Adagio (03:54)
22. Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович - Ballet Suite No. 2, Op. 84b: IV. Sentimental Romance (03:01)
23. Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata And Fugue In D Minor For Organ, BWV 565 (08:55)
24. Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, Op. 8, "Summer": I. Allegro Non Molto - Allegro (05:43)
25. Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, Op. 8, "Summer": II. Adagio - Presto - Adagio (02:20)
26. Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, Op. 8, "Summer": III. Presto (02:52)
27. Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов - Ten Preludes, Op. 23: No. 5 In G Minor (03:50)
28. Henryk Mikołaj Górecki - Symphony No. 3 For Soprano And Orchestra, "Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs" (1976): I. Lento - Sostenuto Tranquillo Ma Cantabile (26:46)
29. Camille Saint-Saëns - The Carnival Of The Animals: Aquarium (02:13)
30. Franz Schubert - Symphony No. 4 In C Minor, D. 417, "Tragic": IV. Allegro (10:41)
31. Gustav Holst - The Planets, Op. 32: I. Mars, The Bringer Of War (07:01)
32. Gustav Holst - The Planets, Op. 32: V. Saturn, The Bringer Of Old Age (07:54)
33. Gustav Holst - The Planets, Op. 32: VII. Neptune, The Mystic (06:45)
34. Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 12 In A-Flat Major For Piano, Op. 26 (Funeral March): III. Marcia Funébre Sulla Morte D'Un Eroe (Funeral March For A Dead Hero) (06:52)
35. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 3 In E-Flat Major, Op. 55, "Eroica": II. Marcia Funébre: Adagio Assai (15:17)
36. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Fantasy No. 2 In F Minor For Organ, K. 608 (10:26)
37. Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович - Symphony No. 10 In E Minor, Op. 93: II. Allegro (04:14)
38. Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14, "Episode De La Vie D'un Artiste": IV. Marche Au Supplice (March To The Scaffold) (07:32)
39. Johann Sebastian Bach - Partita No. 2 In D Minor For Solo Violin, BWV 1004: V. Chaconne (15:54)
40. Модест Петрович Мусоргский - Fantasy For Orchestra, "A Night On The Bare Mountain" (11:25)
41. Léon Boëllmann - Suite Gothique Pour Grande Orgue, Op. 25: IV. Toccata (03:59)
42. Johann Sebastian Bach - Concerto No. 2 In E Major For Violin And Strings, BWV 1042: II. Adagio (06:42)
43. Claude Debussy - Syrinx For Solo Flute, L 129 (02:28)
44. Модест Петрович Мусоргский - Pictures At An Exhibition: II. Gnomus (03:01)
45. Erik Satie - Six Gnossiennes (1889-97): Gnossienne No. 1 (03:16)
46. Johannes Brahms - Piano Quartet No. 3 In C Minor, Op. 60: I. Allegro Ma Non Troppo (10:32)
47. Béla Bartók - Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta, Sz 106: III. Adagio (07:04)
48. Georg Friedrich Händel - Messiah, Part 1: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth (02:03)
49. Earl Hatch - Furioso And Waltzes In D Minor (05:11)
50. Gioachino Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle For Choir, Piano And Organ: I. Kyrie Elesion (07:49)
51. Franz Liszt - Nuages Gris (Gray Clouds), S. 199 (03:22)
52. Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский - Le Sacre Du Printemps (The Rite Of Spring): Part 1, L'adoration De La Terre (Adoration Of The Earth) (16:02)
53. Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 14 In C-Sharp Minor For Piano, Op. 27:2, "Moonlight": III. Presto Agitato (07:09)
54. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 7 In A Major, Op. 92: II. Allegretto (09:02)
55. Frédéric Chopin - Sonata No. 2 In B-Flat Minor For Piano, Op. 35: III. Marche Funébre (Funeral March): Lento (08:03)
56. Franz Schubert - String Quartet No. 14 In D Minor, D. 810, "Death And The Maiden": I. Allegro (11:45)
57. Paul Dukas - The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Symphonic Scherzo (11:34)
58. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony No. 25 In G Minor, K. 183: I. Allegro Con Brio (10:01)
59. Пётр Ильич Чайковский - The Nutcracker, Op. 71a: XVC. Pas De Deux - Variation II: Dance Of The Sugar-Plum Fairy (02:14)
60. Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович - String Quartet No. 3 In F Major, Op. 73: III. Allegro Non Troppo (04:12)
61. Maurice Ravel - La Valse (The Waltz), M 72: Choreographic Poem For Orchestra (12:23)
62. Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: II. Aase's Death (Andante Doloroso) (04:31)
63. Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14, "Episode De La Vie D'un Artiste": V. Songe D'une Nuit Du Sabbat (Dream Of A Witches' Sabbath) (11:42)
64. Johann Sebastian Bach - Suite No. 5 In C Minor For Solo Cello, BWV 1011: IV. Sarabande (03:54)
65. Georg Friedrich Händel - Concerto No. 10 In D Minor For Organ And Orchestra, HWV 309, Op. 7: I. Adagio (06:33)
66. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Masonic Funeral Music In C Minor, K. 477 (Maurerische Trauermusic) (05:55)
67. Jean Sibelius - Lemminkäinen Suite, Op. 22: The Swan Of Tuonela: Andante Molto Sostenuto (08:37)
68. Franz Liszt - Harmonies Poétiques Et Réligieuses, S. 173: VII. Funérailles (12:31)
69. Krzysztof Penderecki - Song Of Cherubim For Mixed Choir (1986) (08:27)
70. Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude In C Minor For Solo Lute, BWV 999 (02:04)
71. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi - Stabat Mater In F Minor: Introduction (05:04)
72. Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 23 In F Minor For Piano, Op. 57, "Appassionata": I. Allegro Assai (10:21)
73. Antonio Vivaldi - L'Estro Armonico, Op. 3 - Concerto No. 8 In A Minor For Two Violins And Strings, RV 522: I. Allegro (03:49)
74. Пётр Ильич Чайковский - Symphony No. 4 In F Minor, Op. 36: I. Andante Sostenuto - Moderato Con Anima (18:38)
75. Johann Sebastian Bach - Passacaglia And Fugue In C Minor, BWV 582 (12:54)
76. Antonio Vivaldi - Concerto In C Major For Sopranino Recorder, Strings And B.C, RV 443: II. Largo (03:56)
77. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana (Cantiones Profanae), Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: II. Fortunae Plango Vulnera (I Bewail The Wounds Of Fate) (02:49)
78. Johann Sebastian Bach - Double Concerto In D Minor For Two Violins, BWV 1043: Vivace (03:39)
79. (anonymous) - Missa De Angelis - E Canti Dell'Anno Liturgico: Ego Sum Alpha Et O (03:57)
80. Alfred Fissinger - Suite For Solo Marimba: I. Mist (05:28)
81. Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович - Chamber Symphony, Op. 110a (After String Quartet No. 8): II. Allegro Molto (03:02)
82. Franz Liszt - Sunt Lacrymae Rerum, S. 162d (07:08)
83. Georg Friedrich Händel - Concerto Grosso No. 12 In B Minor, HWV 330, Op. 6: II. Allegro (03:19)
84. Johannes Brahms - Tragic Overture In D Minor, Op. 81: Allegro Ma Non Troppo - Molto Più Moderato - Tempo Primo Ma Tranquillo (14:13)
85. Anton Bruckner - Symphony No. 4 In E-Flat Major, "The Romantic": II. Andante (09:20)
86. Gioachino Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle For Choir, Piano And Organ: IX. Credo: Crucifixus (03:57)
87. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - String Quartet No. 15 In D Minor, K. 421 (Haydn Quartet No. 2): I. Allegro (08:00)
88. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony No. 40 In G Minor, K. 550: IV. Finale: Allegro Assai (06:38)
89. Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов - Sonata In G Minor For Cello And Piano, Op. 19: II. Allegro Scherzando (06:29)
90. Johannes Brahms - Piano Quartet No. 3 In C Minor, Op. 60: II. Scherzo: Allegro (04:20)
91. Zoltán Kodály - Sonata For Solo Cello, Op. 8 (1915): I. Allegro Maestoso Ma Appassionato (08:36)
92. Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович - String Quartet No. 4, Op. 83: II. Andantino (08:01)
93. Ludwig van Beethoven - Coriolan Overture, Op. 62 (07:52)
94. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem Mass In D Minor, K. 626: II. Kyrie (02:28)
95. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem Mass In D Minor, K. 626: III. Sequentia: Dies Irae (01:40)
96. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem Mass In D Minor, K. 626: V. Sequentia: Rex Tremendae (02:08)
97. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem Mass In D Minor, K. 626: VII. Sequentia: Confutatis (02:28)
98. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem Mass In D Minor, K. 626: VIII. Lacrimosa (02:50)
99. Arvo Pärt - Cantus In Memoriam Benjamin Britten For Strings And Bell (1977) (06:56)


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