dCS 新旗舰四件套:dCS Vivaldi

来源:MY-HIEND 发布者:Eton 版权:转载

dCS 公司最新的旗舰四件套包括dCS Vivaldi分体CD/SACD转盘、DSD/DXD升频器、DSD/DXD解码及独立主时钟。除了DSD全面支持外,Upsampler还多了UPnP网路串流。并且ring dac的控制芯片换成了Spartan,模拟部分也将原来一直使用的直插电

dCS 公司最新的旗舰四件套近日在2012香港高级视听展上正式展出,其中包括dCS Vivaldi分体CD/SACD转盘、DSD/DXD升频器、DSD/DXD解码及独立主时钟。除了DSD全面支持外,Upsampler还多了UPnP网路串流。并且ring dac的控制芯片换成了Spartan,模拟部分也将原来一直使用的直插电阻换成了贴片MELF,所以体积小很多。还有就是模拟部分OPAMP数量少了一半。

Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual show - dCS launches the Vivaldi Digital Playback System - a new four-box range which represents the pinnacle of their ‘no compromise’ approach to product design and sets a new standard for the future of digital audio playback.
Comprising separate Digital to Digital Upsampler, CD/SACD Transport, DAC and Master Clock in a powerful yet elegant industrial design, Vivaldi delivers unmatched sonic and measured performance by using the latest groundbreaking technology from dCS, including next-generation versions of their Ring DAC™, Digital Processing Platform, and Clocking System.

Vivaldi is designed to play music from any source and processes all high resolution PCM music formats up to DXD (24 bit data at 352.8 and 384kS/s), plus DSD. The optimised DSP filters and clocking architecture ensure listeners can extract every last nuance of musical detail and feeling while tuning the system to suit their personal preference.

Vivaldi DAC utilises the next generation of the state-of-the-art dCS Ring DAC™ which combines exceptional linearity with very high speed operation, enabling it to deliver true 24 bit performance even at low signal levels. The new dCS Ring DAC™ used in Vivaldi represents the most significant reworking of the design in its 20+ year history, and it incorporates a number of important technical advances that have resulted in enhanced dynamic range, reduced jitter, improved channel separation, and greatly improved musical realism.

Vivaldi Upsampler can access music from any digital source (PCM digital inputs, USB, UPnP network streaming, iPod™/iPhone™), converting the audio from its native sample rate to either high resolution DXD, DSD or standard high resolution PCM. The array of independently selectable digital inputs and filter options in Vivaldi elevates the performance of Red Book CD from CD Players or high resolution audio from digital streamers and servers to a previously unsurpassed level.

Vivaldi CD/SACD Transport has been designed to extract revelatory levels of detail from both CD and SACD. It features a Dual-AES output that supports DSD or DXD and a completely new chassis design that provides separate power supplies for digital processing and CD/SACD mechanism circuits as well as near-silent operation.

Vivaldi Master Clock features two banks of clock outputs capable of outputting different frequencies simultaneously, thereby improving ease of use while minimising jitter. Used as part of the Vivaldi digital audio playback system it improves on an already spectacular sound and takes it into an entirely new domain. Images snap into sharper focus, the music displays a substantially greater sense of authority and power, and most importantly offers noticeably higher resolution of fine detail.

2012 Worldwide Vivaldi System Premiers:

Hong Kong > 10-12 August - RADAR @ Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show 2012

United States > 14-15 September - dCS North America @ Ears Nova, New York City

United Kingdom > 22-23 September - dCS Ltd @ National Audio Show 2012

Japan > dates TBD - Taiyo International - Tokyo

读完 Vivaldi 规格书后,dCS Scarlatti 系列用家有几个有意义的重点:

1、 IEEE1394 (firewire) 界面消失了!

显然没被 dCS 认定为新世代机种,传输高解析数位规格的界面取而代之的是 Dual AES(双平衡头),简单讲,就是从转盘唱SACD 一路到DAC要用两条数位平衡线。

DSD:1bit 2.822/3.07Mbps,Vivaldi Transport 读取 SACD 的独家加密数位信号,Transport 直入 DAC 不经过Upsampler或DXD:24bit 352.8K/384K可以是Vivaldi Transport 读CD 16/44.1 被Vivaldi Upsampler 升频过后的24/252.8 数位信号或通过网络读取24/96、24/192 以上的24/252.8、24/384K数位音乐档。

2、 Clock 可同时输出两个频率44.1KHz 与48KHz ,或两倍频88.2 与96,或四倍频176.4 与192。显然为了自家转盘以外的网络高解析数位音乐播放如24bit/192hz 以上的格式做准备。

操控性与 Clock 的频率在Scarlatti 系列就是尚未准备好,因此极限在24bit/96hz,所以Scarlatti Clock 2012/8/1 出货的机器在硬件规格上也不同了。 Scarlatti Upsampler, DAC 也得软件升级才到24/192!Scarlatti 系列用家不要太伤心,用 SACD / CD 为主的讯源,dCS 还给您一条升级的路,而且还是在顶峰上的!

3、dCS Ring DAC 是 dCS 从数位化录音室高阶设备走入家用 High End 二十几年来一直延用的线路设计理念。他的运算能力极限应该在 DSD (SACD 规格),这次的改款Ring DAC 理念不变,纯然是硬件运算速度要跟上DXD,那就要看未来的数位音乐媒体的主流是什么!相信不是比 SACD 更高规格的 DXD 唱片,而是来自网络。

试算一下,网络购买档案或云端串流的两种型式,一小时 24/384 的无压缩音乐有多大? (60分钟×60 秒× 24 bit × 384000 clock rate × 2 channel) / (1024 × 1024 × 1024) = 38.899Gbyte , 无损失压缩档 Flac 约可减半那就是19.45Gbyte,以现今的网络速度还有个人的硬盘空间,我会说 dCS Vivaldi 非常有前瞻性!


    ID:HIFI中国音响网 ID:hifidiy_2016