超值再进化 B.M.C. Audio PureDAC MK2

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B.M.C. Audio的产品一向以物超所值在市场上具有相当强的竞争力,享受High End不用天价,务实的订价策略造福了许多发烧友,B.M.C.的成功绝非偶然,而是总裁Carlos Candeias先生所带领的团队...

  B.M.C. Audio的产品一向以物超所值在市场上具有相当强的竞争力,享受High End不用天价,务实的订价策略造福了许多发烧友,B.M.C.的成功绝非偶然,而是总裁Carlos Candeias先生所带领的团队在High End产业具有强大的研发与制作能力.PURE系列更是B.M.C.产品线中最热门的,平易近人的价格享有B.M.C.的技术与声音,获得许多好评.
 超值再进化 B.M.C. Audio PureDAC MK2
  ● 非平衡耳扩输出大幅升级,拥有自己独立的放大模组,声音品质大幅提升,更接近平衡耳扩输出的表现.
  ● 新的耳扩放大使用了新一代的DAPC-I/V模组 (digital/analog power conversion),采用混合式LEF (Load Effect Free)架构,双极(Bipolar)的设计在MOSFET电晶体的电流供应同时控制着电压输出.
  ● 类比输出部份(line output)也采用了改良後的混合式架构,声音品质也提升.
  ● 新的SPDIF解码,完全支援24bit/192kHz,并且对不同取样频率的讯号来源拥有更高的容纳能力.
  ● 固定增益的DAC输出模式,只要同时按下音量控制就可启动,此时音量就会固定.
  ● USB管理改进,拥有更稳定的启动程序及解除保护.
  ● 时钟管理更为精进,声音品质更好.
  看来原厂说的"Better is the enemy of the good",还真是一语中的,"更好"是"好"的敌人,原本PureDAC就已经很好了,但现在MK2硬是更好.PureDAC是一台带有平衡前级及平衡耳扩的DAC,搭载了B.M.C.专利第二代的Digital Intelligent Gain Management (DIGM)增益管理技术,不需改变输入的讯号就能进行增益控制.为了讯号的纯净,前级与耳扩的音控是独立分开的,当然在PureDAC上还有B.M.C. link端子,用以连接B.M.C.的扩大机,以发挥B.M.C.专利的Current Injection (CI)技术.PureDAC采用全铝金属本体,并附有专用遥控器.
 超值再进化 B.M.C. Audio PureDAC MK2
  B.M.C. Audio PureDAC MK2 特点规格
  ● Top-grade Digital/Analog Converter with Current Injection current-to-voltage (I/V) conversion
  ● High-resolution asynchronous USB interface up to 32bit/384kHz
  USB PCM: 16…32bit; 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384kHz.
  USB DSD: DSD64, DSD128.
  ● ASIO driver for Windows; Linux and Mac compatible
  ● AES/EBU, coaxial and Toslink digital inputs up to 24 bit / 192kHz
  ● Balanced, reference-class headphone amplifier with digital/analog power conversion (DAPC), a new super-low impedance hybrid LEF output stage, and lossless Digital Intelligent Gain Management (DIGM) volume control.
  ● headphone output with separate amplification trunk.
  ● Balanced LEF, CI-compatible preamp that optionally operates in B.M.C. Mode, with DIGM and a and new hybrid LEF-balanced output stage.
  ● Separate volume controls for the line and headphone sections.
  ● Fixed line output level operation possible.
  ● Second-generation DIGM with optimized gain distribution between power amps and internal and DIGM volume levels
  ● Optical B.M.C. Link for connecting with B.M.C. amps like the PureAmp
  ● Remote Control
  ● Top grade parts like MPP (conductive film polypropylene, non inductive) and balanced current capacitors, precision metal film resistors…
  ● Massive and stylish extruded aluminum chassis
  ● Dimensions: 14.37 x 4.06 x 12.91 inches, W/H/D (365 x 103 x 328 mm)
  ● Weight: 11.9 lbs (5.4 kg):


    ID:HIFI中国音响网 ID:hifidiy_2016